Village Hall
The Village Hall was originally the United Free Church. In 1929 it amalgamated with the Church of Scotland and the joint congregation then worshipped in the present Church. In 1938 the premises were bought for the Village for the sum of £75 and a committee of 12 Trustees was formed to administer the running of the new "Strathkinness Village Hall" on behalf of all within the parish boundaries.
The Hall is still run and maintained by a Committee of 12 Trustees.
Over recent years, there have been many major refurbishments of the floor, walls, windows, and the installation of toilets with disabled access. The National Lottery has provided funds to both enlarge and fully upgrade the kitchen and to add a self contained Bar. The Autumn of 2014 saw the replacement of the ceiling.
In 2008 the Village Hall was registered with OSCR as a Scottish Charity - number SC039716.
The Hall is supported by various fundraising activities including recently, Christmas and Easter wreath making, Raffles, Race Nights, Whist Drives etc etc.
A '100 Club' with monthly monetary prizes is also run to raise funds. If you are interested in supporting the Hall and become a member of the 100 Club, please contact Chairman Douglas Gilbert for details -
Regular users of the Hall are the School for P.E., the Little Beehive Nursery, various Exercise and Dance Classes, Village Voices Choir, Cubs, Beavers and a number of Badminton Groups
All enquiries concerning the hire of the Hall should be made to the booking clerk:- Tel. 01334 850295